intrepid - 関連ブログ

Introducing Fly Kubernetes

Introducing Fly Kubernetes Author Name Senyo Simpson @senyeezus @senyeezus Image by Annie Ruygt We’re, and if you’ve been following us awhile you probably just did a double-take. We’re building a new public cloud that runs containerized applications with virtual machine isolation on our ow...

Choose Postgres queue technology

Introduction⌗ Postgres queue tech is a thing of beauty, but far from mainstream. Its relative obscurity is partially attributable to the cargo cult of “scale”. The scalability cult has decreed that there are several queue technologies with greater “scalability” than Postgres, and for that reason ...

iFixit tears down a McDonald’s ice cream machine, demands DMCA exemption for it

Enlarge / The McDonald's ice cream machine is a relatively simple machine. It has a compressor, a motor, churning and agitating elements, and a series of circuit boards that keep service contracts flowing. McDonald’s soft-serve ice cream machines are regularly broken, and it’s not just your perce...

CVE-2023-34152: Shell Command Injection Bug Affecting ImageMagick

CVE-2023-34152: Shell Command Injection Bug Affecting ImageMagickby do son · May 31, 2023 In the world of open-source software, ImageMagick has long been revered as a potent tool for raster and vector image manipulation. Its vast array of capabilities—ranging from the display, conversion, and edi...

Combobulate: Structured Movement and Editing with Tree-Sitter

Combobulate: Structured Movement and Editing with Tree-Sitter Combobulate is a package that adds advanced structured editing and movement to many programming modes in Emacs. Here's how it works, and how it can enrich your editing experience in Emacs. About a year ago I released an alpha – prototy...

ロシア大使「NATOは戦車供与でロシアに敗北を押し付けようとしている」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬

Comment by UnlikelyRabbit4648 ウクライナへの戦車供与後、NATOが「我々に敗北を押し付けようとしている」とロシア激怒。 <記事訳> アメリカ合衆国とドイツによるウクライナへの戦車供与はロシアの侵略に対する新たな致命傷になる可能性があり、駐米ロシア大使は怒りを示した。 ロシア大使Anatoly Antonovはワシント...

Git Notes: git's coolest, most unloved­ feature - Tyler Cipriani

the short of it is: they’re cool for appending notes from automated systems (like ticket or build systems) but not really for having interactive conversations with other developers (at least not yet) – Scott Chacon,, Aug. 2010 Git notes are almost a secret. They’re buried by their own...

イギリス人「非英語圏の外国人に使うと誤解を招いてしまうネイティブ表現」海外の反応 : 暇は無味無臭の劇薬

※「イギリス人に質問板」のスレッドを翻訳しています。そのため「英語と他言語」という比較だけでなく、「イギリス英語とアメリカ英語」という比較もされています。 ※英語の表現の違いがテーマなので、無理に翻訳するとかえって分かりにくくなってしまうため、その場合は単語の意味を表記するだけにしています。 Comment...

Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later

Exactly ten years ago today, we published "Why We Created Julia", introducing the Julia project to the world. At this point, we have moved well past the ambitious goals set out in the original blog post. Julia is now used by hundreds of thousands of people. It is taught at hundreds of universitie...


AppleのMRヘッドセット、スノボのゴーグルっぽいデザインかも?2021.12.22 20:005,766 塚本直樹 つけ心地はどうかな? なにやら来年にも登場しそうな様子の、Apple(アップル)のMRヘッドセット。こちらに関して、流出情報を元にした新たなコンセプト画像が登場しました。 今回のコンセプト画像は、Intrepid concept cre...

intrepid - アマゾン検索

