The Police - 関連ブログ

As it happened — ADOR CEO Min Hee-jin press conference

3:06 p.m. “I'm telling you to leave, but this is just so difficult for me right now,” Min says. 3:08 p.m. “We have a lot to say today,” reporters are told. “Important things will be discussed, so we ask that you please stop taking photos for now.” 3:11 p.m. “I have become involved in a lot of rum...


周期ゼミは北アメリカ大陸に生息するセミのグループであり、17年または13年の周期で大量発生することが知られています。アメリカ南東部のサウスカロライナ州ニューベリー郡では、久しぶりに現れたセミの鳴き声に驚いた住人が保安官事務所に騒音の理由を問い合わせているとAP通信が報じました。 Cicadas are so noisy in ...

ビッグテックは「破壊的イノベーション」を破壊した | p2ptk[.]org

以下の文章は、コリイ・ドクトロウの「Big Tech disrupted disruption」という記事を翻訳したものである。 Pluralistic 「破壊的イノベーション」がただの常套句になる前は、本当にワクワクするアイデアだった。テクノロジーを使えば、人々をつなぎ、協力し合い、すばらしいことを実現できるはずだった。 Uberによる「破...


公開してみる スカ好き増えろ あとおススメ教えてください 1, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ルパン三世’78 2, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWN BEAT STOMP 3, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 燃えよドラゴン 4, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Come On! 5, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバン...

Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?

Before her trip to New York a few weeks ago, Lisa Pires, a South African living in Amsterdam, encountered a series of videos on TikTok in which young women had filmed themselves after getting attacked on the street in New York. Most were punched in the face — unprovoked, at random — in Manhattan ...

Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻

Last week, I went on an adventure through the electromagnetic spectrum! It’s like an invisible world that always surrounds us, and allows us to do many amazing things: It’s how radio and TV are transmitted, it’s how we communicate using Wi-Fi or our phones. And there are many more things to disco...

End the Phone-Based Childhood Now

Something went suddenly and horribly wrong for adolescents in the early 2010s. By now you’ve likely seen the statistics: Rates of depression and anxiety in the United States—fairly stable in the 2000s—rose by more than 50 percent in many studies from 2010 to 2019. The suicide rate rose 48 percent...


はじめに 皆さんは音楽を聴いていて、しばしば「これはオルタナっぽいね」というような感想を目にすることはありませんか?音楽においてオルタナとは大抵の場合、オルタナティブロックの事を指すのですが、「そもそもオルタナティブロックとはなんなのだろう?」と思う方も多いはずです。 今回の記事では、オルタナティ...

Japanese manga artist Ashihara Hinako found dead days after protesting TV version of her work

Ashihara Hinako, a 50-year-old Japanese manga artist, has been found dead near Tokyo. Japanese media report that the police are treating the matter as a possible suicide after finding a note at her home on Monday. Ashihara was the author of the “Sexy Tanaka-san” manga, which was initially publish...

Japanese Manga Artist Ashihara Hinako Found Dead Days After Protesting ‘Sexy Tanaka-san’ TV Adaptation

Ashihara Hinako, a 50-year-old Japanese manga artist, has been found dead near Tokyo. Japanese media report that the police are treating the matter as a possible suicide after finding a note at her home on Monday. Ashihara was the author of the “Sexy Tanaka-san” manga, which was initially publish...

The Police - アマゾン検索

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