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コードなしでWeb3コンテンツなどを開発することができるプラットフォーム・thirdwebの創設者であるadammaj氏が、「経験なしで2週間でゼロからGPUを構築した」と報告しています。 I've spent the past ~2 weeks building a GPU from scratch with no prior experience. It was way harder than I expected. Progress trac...

Home Lab Beginners guide (Hardware)

March 8, 2024 by Hayden James, in Blog Linux Until recently, and for well over the past decade, my wife and I have been nomads. Moving from the Caribbean to Miami, New York, Las Vegas, Vancouver, and now back home. This has meant that for many of those years, my home office basically comprised of...

Rails: モンキーパッチが元コードの更新で乖離するのを防ぐ6つの方法(翻訳)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

概要 元サイトの許諾を得て翻訳・公開いたします。 英語記事: Six ways to prevent a monkey-patch drift from the original code | Arkency Blog 原文公開日: 2023/09/13 原著者: Paweł Pacana 日本語タイトルは内容に即したものにしました。 モンキーパッチ(monkey-patching)を手短に説明すると、直接管理されていな...

Mourning Google

On March 15, 2010, I started a new job at Google. The fourteen years since that day feel like a century. The title of my announcement was Now A No-Evil Zone and, OK, I can hear the laughing from ten timezones away. I tried, then, to be restrained, but there are hardly words to describe how happy ...

A Fistful of Automata

20 October 2023 Recently, I have been brushing up my knowledge of Formal Languages and stumbled again into the many different faces of finite automata. Most materials present DFAs, NFAs and company as distinct beasts, each with their own properties and theorems. Nevertheless, I couldn’t get out o...


Photo: Sekisan/Photo AC富ヶ谷富ヶ谷が「世界で最もクールな街」のトップ10に選出渋谷の中心から近い落ち着きのある地区がランク入り、1位はコロンビア・メデジンのラウレス タイムアウトが行った全世界対象の大規模な都市調査と各国エディターの情報をもとに、タイムアウトのグローバルチームが「The 40 coolest neigh...

One happy Rails World

Celebrating twenty years of Ruby on Rails with more than 700 happy developers packed into the coolest conference venue possible in Amsterdam was epic. Safe to say, Rails World was a roaring success. Which is deeply satisfying to conclude, because it really wasn't a given outcome when I started wo...

Robin Guo on LinkedIn: Waifus are eating the world. Mihoyo made $3.8B in revenue last year… | 55 comments

Agree & Join LinkedIn By clicking Continue, you agree to LinkedIn’s User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. Waifus are eating the world. Mihoyo made $3.8B in revenue last year (PocketGamer), nearly half of Activision Blizzard. Here's why anime games / culture are taking over 🧵 1/ The ...

Lazygit Turns 5: Musings on Git, TUIs, and Open Source

This post is brought to you by my sponsors. If you would like to support me, consider becoming a sponsor Lazygit, the world’s coolest terminal UI for git, was released to the world on August 5 2018, five years ago today. I say released but I really mean discovered, because I had taken a few stabs...

Unreal Engine 5の「ブループリント」機能を“アクションゲーム化”した映像に称賛寄せられる。視覚的プログラミングを分かりやすく表現 - AUTOMATON

インディースタジオImagineDreams Studiosの設立者Fouad Torriss氏は7月5日、同氏が「Unreal Engine 5で制作した、もっともクールなもののひとつ」だとする映像をTwitter上に投稿。その内容が、主にゲーム開発者らの間で注目を集めている。 This is one of the coolest thing I made in UE5. A level made of functions ...

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