HaaS - 関連ブログ

Introducing Google’s new Arm-based CPU | Google Cloud Blog

Introducing Google Axion Processors, our new Arm-based CPUs At Google, we constantly push the boundaries of computing, exploring what is possible for grand challenges ranging from information retrieval, global video distribution, and of course generative AI. Doing so requires rethinking systems d...

Choosing the perfect icons for your typeface

A complete guide on how to pair icons and typefaces to create a consistent visual language.Choosing the right icon set to complement a specific typeface is crucial for maintaining visual consistency in a project. This ensures that all the elements work together to create a recognizable brand and ...


スキルの掛け算・ソフトウェアに「呑み込まれた」世界で開発の魅力を発信する【株式会社アンドパッド・柴田博志】 2024年3月28日 株式会社アンドパッド フェロー 柴田 博志 2022年11月に株式会社アンドパッドに入社。OSS プログラマー、Ruby コミッタ、Ruby, RubyGems, Bundler, Rake, ruby-build など多数の OSS のメン...

Over 1,000 Jewish Creatives and Professionals Have Now Denounced Jonathan Glazer’s ‘Zone of Interest’ Oscars Speech in Open Letter (EXCLUSIVE)

More than 1,000 Jewish creatives, executives and Hollywood professionals have signed an open letter denouncing Jonathan Glazer’s “The Zone of Interest” Oscar speech. The list of co-signees provided to Variety Monday morning covers a broad swath of the industry including actors (Debra Messing, Tov...

Adobe Fontsオススメ欧文書体-Serif・San Serif・Slab Serif編|文字とフォントのことはじめ10

Adobe Fontsオススメ欧文書体-Serif・San Serif・Slab Serif編|文字とフォントのことはじめ10 欧文書体の新定番をAdobe Fontsで見つけよう 文字・フォント・デザインの情報をお届けする連載「文字とフォントのことはじめ」、第10回は膨大な欧文書体のなかからオススメフォントを紹介していきます。 Adobe Fontsは非常...

1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries – Dr Mark Trozzi

Here is an organized library of more than one thousand peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 "vaccines" are harmful. Here is an ultimate and organized library to empower research, back up law suits, support criminal charges, or effect political change. It’s also abundant proof for anyon...


11:音速の名無しさん (JPW 0H13-POVu)[sage]:2023/09/18(月) 16:38:02.75 ID:mudnUnwBH.net ボッタス@京急 https://twitter.com/kimi07_iceman/status/1703615088731754888 https://i.imgur.com/fZYxJY3.jpg 京急からの風景が#ボッタス pic.twitter.com/Im8cMgj3Vn — bee6494gilles (@bee6494gills) September 18, 202...

アルツハイマー病研究、失敗の構造 | みすず書房

インサイダーだけが知る、空転するアルツハイマー病研究の現状。 「アルツハイマー病研究の歴史は、急いで治療薬を求めるあまりに袋小路に入り込み、道を見失った物語でもある。……アミロイドカスケードというたったひとつの仮説になぜここまでの勢いがついて、当時議論にのぼっていたさまざまな代替モデルをロードローラ...

PostgreSQL reconsiders its process-based model [LWN.net]

This article brought to you by LWN subscribersSubscribers to LWN.net made this article — and everything that surrounds it — possible. If you appreciate our content, please buy a subscription and make the next set of articles possible. In the fast-moving open-source world, programs can come and go...

Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims

How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in a 'state-of-the-art' encrypted messenger called Converso I recently heard this ad on a podcast: I use the Converso app for privacy because I care about privacy, and because other messaging apps that tell you they're...

HaaS - アマゾン検索

