I’ve - 関連ブログ

Community-driven RBS repository

RubyKaigi 2024 One of the most significant problems of RBS was managing libraries' RBS files. Libraries' RBS files are important for RBS to be widely used. I've developed an rbs collection for libraries in recent years. And it improved libraries' RBS management for RBS users. See my talk at RubyK...



graydon2 | Some notes on Rust, mutable aliasing and formal verification

frog hopSome notes on Rust, mutable aliasing and formal verification Recently Boats wrote a blog post about Rust, mutable aliasing, and the sad story of local reasoning over many decades of computer science. I recommend that post and agree with its main points! Go read it! But I also thought I'd ...

幼児向け英語絵本『Find Spot at the Zoo』

幼児向け英語絵本「Find Spot at the Zoo」は、小さな犬のスポットとその家族が動物園を訪れる楽しい物語です。 ここでは、この絵本の簡単なあらすじ、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画、日本語訳などを紹介しています。 あらすじこの絵本は、スポットが動物園で様々な動物たちに出会い、時には...

References are like jumps

In a high-level language, the programmer is deprived of the dangerous power to update his own program while it is running. Even more valuable, he has the power to split his machine into a number of separate variables, arrays, files, etc.; when he wishes to update any of these he must quote its na...


There are two things from our announcement today I wanted to highlight. First, a key part of our mission is to put very capable AI tools in the hands of people for free (or at a great price). I am very proud that we’ve made the best model in the world available for free in ChatGPT, without ads or...

GitHub - travisdoor/bl: Simple imperative programming language created for fun.

The Biscuit Language (BL) is a simple imperative programming language using LLVM backend and compiler implemented in C. Language syntax and all its features are still in development. Biscuit is designed to be simple, fast, and explicit. Project homepage: biscuitlang.org Contact email: biscuitlang...

Yes, Ruby is fast, but…

John Hawthorn wrote a nice post discussing a recent tool to incorporate Crystal into your Ruby app. While JH brings an important point, it overlooks certain aspects that are worth consideration. I'll discuss Crystal's real performance and benefits, highlighting why such Ruby/Crystal integration i...

SK logic in egglog: part 1, encoding and reduction

Update: I’ve now published part 2 I’ve been really excited to try out egglog, since it seems like a great complement and application for the theory exploration systems I spent a few years playing with. Egglog can be thought of as a powerful database, combining Datalog (a restricted form of Prolog...

The agentic era of UX

Serving AI features to users like little peas — instead of a substantial meal.TLDR: The thing missing from AI user experience is, well, the experience. It’s been 17 months since the tech gods bestowed generative artificial intelligence on us. Here’s a state of the union for AI UX: A bunch of comp...

I’ve - アマゾン検索

