Talk - 関連ブログ

Zed Decoded: Linux when? - Zed Blog

Screenshot of Zed — but where are the red/yellow/green window controls? Does anything stick out? Yes, exactly, it's a screenshot of Zed running on Linux! Wait, what? Zed on Linux? Is it released yet? No, it's not, but it's taking shape, fast. At the end of January we open-sourced Zed and had zero...

渡辺志保 ドレイク VS ケンドリック・ラマー 2024年5月6日現在の状況を語る

渡辺志保さんが2024年5月6日放送の『INSIDE OUT』の中で『Like That』に端を発するケンドリック・ラマーとドレイクのビーフについてトーク。どんどんディス曲・アンサー曲が発表される状況をまとめていました。(ケンドリック・ラマー『Not Like Us』までについて言及しています) (渡辺志保)というわけで、ゴ...

Misconceptions about CSS Specificity

Me, at CSS Day 2022, talking about Specificity (and the Cascade) Whenever a post about Specificity in CSS – and by extension the Cascade itself – gets published I get very excited as it’s a core concept of the language that everyone should know. The more articles on this, the better! However, I a...

JSR の紹介

JSR の紹介

The life and times of an Abstract Syntax Tree

By Francesco Bertolaccini You’ve reached computer programming nirvana. Your journey has led you down many paths, including believing that God wrote the universe in LISP, but now the truth is clear in your mind: every problem can be solved by writing one more compiler. It’s true. Even our soon-to-...

Piccolo - A Stackless Lua Interpreter 2024-05-01 History of piccolo A "Stackless" Interpreter Design Benefits of Stackless Cancellation Pre-emptive Concurrency Fuel, Pacing, and Custom Scheduling "Symmetric" Coroutines and coroutine.yieldto The "Big Lie" Rust Coroutines, Lua Coroutines, and Snarf...

SemVer in Rust: Tooling, Breakage, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024

SemVer in Rust: Tooling, Breakage, and Edge Cases — FOSDEM 2024 Last month, I gave a talk titled "SemVer in Rust: Breakage, Tooling, and Edge Cases" at the FOSDEM 2024 conference. The talk is a practical look at what semantic versioning (SemVer) buys us, why SemVer goes wrong in practice, and how...

Fixing a footgun in ActiveRecord::Core#inspect

The inspect method on Active Record models returns a string including the model’s class and a list of all its attributes and their values. In Rails 7.2, you can configure which attributes are included in the output of inspect. In this post, I’ll discuss the performance issue that led me to implem...

Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!

So, Mastodon is a nice escape from the big tech social media platforms. Whether it is about ignoring Elon Musk's mood swings on X (or formerly Twitter) or refusing to be a part of Mark Zuckerberg's data points, Mastodon has proved to be an impressive open-source social media platform. While it is...

現在進行形の「正しい敬語」入門。悩まないシンプルな言い回しの方が、実は好印象だったり | ライフハッカー・ジャパン

最新モデルの「Apple Watch Series 9」が過去最安。指のダブルタップ操作が便利すぎる #Amazonセール

Talk - アマゾン検索

