I’ve - 関連ブログ

デッキ構築ローグライクアクション『Witch the Showdown』正式発表、PC向けにリリース予定。リズムよくパリィしてカードで反撃する、高難度ハイスピードアクション - AUTOMATON

個人開発者の桐生七氏は4月27日、『Witch the Showdown』を正式発表した。対応プラットフォームはPC。本作ではこれまで桐生七氏のX(旧Twitter)上にて開発中の動画が公開されていたが、今回ゲームタイトルの決定と共に正式発表となっている。 『Witch the Showdown』は、敵の攻撃をパリィで防ぎながらカードで反撃して...

LogLog Games

Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and mul...

Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years | Hacker News

That's a good article. He's right about many things.I've been writing a metaverse client in Rust for several years now. Works with Second Life and Open Simulator servers. Here's some video.[1] It's about 45,000 lines of safe Rust. Notes: * There are very few people doing serious 3D game work in R...

アルバム『ヘルプ!』ビートルズのHelp!の全曲を和訳つきで聴く - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

ビートルズのアルバム「ヘルプ!」(Help!)を和訳・歌詞の意味つきで聴く やっと「ヘルプ!」です 1曲1曲「歌詞の意味」「和訳」つきで聴けるようにしますね 思い出ぎっしりです 毎日更新で貼っていくので、今回は曲のリストだけです 「ヘルプ!」(Help!) 「ザ・ナイト・ビフォア」(The Night Before) 「悲しみはぶっとばせ...

The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we build, debug, and optimize code, and it’s happening at an unprecedented pace. As a long-time Ruby and Rails developer, I’m participating in these developments with excitement via my startup and my new book and open-source projects. The good ...

Direct-style Effects Explained

Direct-style Effects Explained By Noel Welsh on 24 Apr 2024 Direct-style effects, also known as algebraic effects and effect handlers, are the next big thing in programming languages. At the same time I see some confusion about direct-style effects. In this post I want to address this confusion b...

HTML attributes vs DOM properties

Attributes and properties are fundamentally different things. You can have an attribute and property of the same name set to different values. For example: