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YAML developers and the declarative data platforms

The declarative paradigm is becoming ubiquitous in data engineering, to the point we sometimes feel we became YAML developers. Yet, I’ll argue it’s a good thing! Let’s take a step back and look at what it means to be declarative, and how it impacts the data systems we build. Data & logicFundament...

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 参加レポート - ZOZO TECH BLOG

はじめに こんにちは。SRE部フロントSREブロックの三品です。 3月19日から3月22日にかけてKubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024(以下、KubeCon EUと呼びます)が行われました。今回弊社からはZOZOTOWNのマイクロサービスや基盤に関わるエンジニア、推薦システムに関わるエンジニアの合わせて4人で参加しました。 本記...


Introduction Introduction Getting Started Developer Guide Design Formerly know as bpfd bpfman: An eBPF Manager bpfman operates as an eBPF manager, focusing on simplifying the deployment and administration of eBPF programs. Its notable features encompass: System Overview: Provides insights into ho...

Platform Engineering on Kubernetes を読んでCloud Native の現在地を理解する - じゃあ、おうちで学べる

はじめに 近年、Kubernetesの採用が進む中、複数のチームが関わり、複数のクラウドプロバイダーへのデプロイを行い、異なるスタックを扱う組織では、その導入の複雑さが新たな問題となっています。本書 『Platform Engineering on Kubernetes』は、Kubernetes に登場しつつあるベストプラクティスとオープンソースツール...

Introducing SpinKube and Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes

Radu Matei & Mikkel Mørk Hegnhøj spin wasm kubernetes webassembly Today, we are proud to introduce SpinKube and the Fermyon Platform for Kubernetes. Both projects enable Kubernetes to get first-class support for running Spin WebAssembly (Wasm) applications. SpinKube allows you to run your applica...

Swift Macrosの作り方 - Sansan Tech Blog

こんにちは!技術本部 Mobile ApplicationグループでiOSエンジニアをしている長﨑です。 Sansanアプリでは自分たちで定義したSwift Macrosを開発に導入し始めています。Swift Macrosについての勉強会も社内で実施しており、せっかくなので勉強会のコンテンツを記事にしてみます。 この記事では、Swift Macrosを開発する...

A Peek at Kubernetes v1.30

Authors: Amit Dsouza, Frederick Kautz, Kristin Martin, Abigail McCarthy, Natali Vlatko A quick look: exciting changes in Kubernetes v1.30 It's a new year and a new Kubernetes release. We're halfway through the release cycle and have quite a few interesting and exciting enhancements coming in v1.3...

Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup — Yi Tay

Training great LLMs entirely from ground up in the wilderness as a startup Given that we’ve successfully trained pretty strong multimodal language models at Reka, many people have been particularly curious about the experiences of building infrastructure and training large language & multimodal m...

How does Sidekiq work? | Mike Perham

2024-02-04 This article was originally published on DanSvetlov.me and is republished here with permission of the author. This article is relevant to Sidekiq v7. Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, i...

How does Sidekiq really work?

Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, it needs no introduction. Sidekiq has a 10+ year track record of being an efficient, battle-tested and simple-to-use solution for offloading the execution of appl...

PODS - アマゾン検索

