MOST - 関連ブログ

Examining the Deception infrastructure in place behind

The domain name has an interesting story behind it. Today it’s not linked to anything but that wasn’t always true. This is the story of one of my most successful honeypot instances and how it enabled Microsoft to collect varied threat intelligence against a broad range of actor...

The beginning of the end for Terraform?

Source:imgflip.comAs I write this on the 25th of April, I am still reeling from the announcement of IBM’s acquisition of Hashicorp. When I first heard the rumours yesterday, I was concerned about the future of possibly my favourite Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool. It has long been obvious that ...

アプリの挙動がおかしい!?Androidアプリの強制停止を試してみましょう - 【磐田,浜松,袋井】パソコンサポートと出張修理 はてな版

個人的に使っているスマホはAndroidとiPhoneの複数台ですが、Androidスマホを使っているときに、とあるアプリのログインがうまくできないことがありました。 そのアプリは「DMMポイントクラブ」なのですが、なぜかログイン画面でフリーズ状態で先に進まない状況に・・・ 今回の場合は、背後で動作...

ロシアの外貨準備を接収せよ - himaginary’s diary

という論陣をブランシャールがツイッター上で張っている。 I thought it was a bad idea to seize Russian reserves before the US congress had voted on the Ukraine package. It gave too easy a way to Congress to vote no and pass the buck. Now that they have voted, it is hard to think of good reasons not ...

RFC 9557: Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information

RFC 9557 Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information Abstract This document defines an extension to the timestamp format defined in RFC 3339 for representing additional information, including a time zone.¶ It updates RFC 3339 in the specific interpretation of the local o...

「中澤琴/中野竹子/林田民子」とされる女性の写真は匿名の歌舞伎、若しくは芸者の写真 - 電脳塵芥 というのがバズっていた。これに対しては歌舞伎、芸者のコスプレ写真だという指摘があって投稿者自身もそう訂正しているが、ただこの情報自体にソースはない。ちなみに投稿者は写真の女性を「中澤琴」ととして紹介しているが*1、「中野竹子」と紹介された...

LogLog Games

Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and mul...

Firstyear's blog-a-log

At around 11pm last night my partner went to change our lounge room lights with our home light control system. When she tried to login, her account couldn't be accessed. Her Apple Keychain had deleted the Passkey she was using on that site. This is just the icing on a long trail of enshittificati...

‘The working class can’t afford it’: the shocking truth about the money bands make on tour

When you see a band playing to thousands of fans in a sun-drenched festival field, signing a record deal with a major label or playing endlessly from the airwaves, it’s easy to conjure an image of success that comes with some serious cash to boot – particularly when Taylor Swift has broken $1bn i...


中国科学院(CAS)の地球化学研究所が、縮尺1:250万の月の地質地図帳を発表しました。この地図は、完全な高精度月地質地図帳としては世界初で、将来の月の研究や探査の基礎となる地図データとして役立てられるとのことです。 China Publishes World's First High-definition Lunar Geologic Atlas----Chinese Academy of ...

MOST - アマゾン検索

